Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Review of the Ergo Baby Carrier

As stated before, I loved the Moby Wrap baby carrier.  I heard about the Ergo from some other girls in my mom’s group and saw them wearing it.  I LOVED it.  I thought about getting one, but they were pretty expensive at our local store.  I couldn’t convince myself to spend about $100 for a carrier when I already had a Moby Wrap.  So, I put it off and decided that I could handle what I had and started to look at other carriers.  The reviews for other carriers, though, kept me from buying one.  Then, I had a lucky break.  When the local baby store (Mother’s Haven) was moving, you could volunteer to help and get a 15% discount.  As I was helping, I saw an Ergo Baby Carrier marked down (due to people not really liking the Hawaiian pattern in North Idaho) and that mark down along with my discount, made it a very appealing price.  I called my husband and decided to buy it.  It has been the best baby carrier I have and I still love it.


1.  Easy to use: This carrier is easy to put on all by yourself with the baby on your back, front or hip.  It is also easy to use for any size child up to 40 pounds.

2.  Different carry position: Allows you to carry the baby on the front, back or hip and you can do it yourself.

3.  Hood: There is a hood on the ergo that can be used if the baby falls asleep, so the baby’s head won’t be falling backward.

4.  Pocket:  Additionally, there is a pocket on the front to carry keys, burp rag, etc. if hiking or taking a walk.

5.  Sturdy: This carrier is sturdy.  It is made from touch fabric and helps to distribute the weight if you wear it low on your waist.

6.  Cushion: This carrier has plenty of cushioning for the little one and for the person carrying the child.

7.  Easy adjustment: Adjusting the baby carrier is easy to do on your own by pulling on a few straps to make it tighter if needed.


1.  Child can’t face out: One major disadvantage of the Ergo Baby Carrier is the baby can’t face out and see the world.  I have heard this is good because children can get fussy from all the stimulation.  It’s not a problem for me, but other parents may think it’s a disadvantage.

2.  Can’t use for infants: This carrier is not ideal to use when a child can’t hold up their head.  You have to buy an infant insert if you want to use it with younger children and this comes at a cost.

3.  Price: I think of this as a disadvantage because it kept me from buying it for at least 5 months.  The price is a chunk at first, but I think it is worth it with all the use you can get out of it.

The Ergo Baby Carrieris definitely worth the price as you can use it for children up to 40 lbs and can be worn on the back as they get closer to the maximum weight.  Additionally, it is great to use for easy hiking, walks or in the store.  I am already using this carrier with my second child and it is still as good as new after a year.  I would definitely buy it if you are looking for a carrier that is durable and easy to use.

1 comment:

MandyOh said...

The Ergo Saved my life! I wish I had it for my first couple kids. I got so much use out of mine... good up to 40 pounds and light and easy to pack. I can't say enough great things about it!!!


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