Monday, October 4, 2010

Review for the Moby Wrap Baby Carrier

Mom carrying baby in Moby Warp

When my husband and I were in our Bradley Class preparing for our first son’s birth, the instructor mentioned carrying her baby and using a Moby Wrap. She also mentioned we could get one at Mother’s Haven, a specialty children’s store in our town. That was the only place we could find one in 2008, but, now, they sell them in other mainstream stores. I wasn’t too sure about using one, as I wasn’t quite sure what one was. I was also pretty sure that any carrier would be just fine. You see them all the time, so I wasn’t too concerned about it.
I had my son, and 5 days later decided I wanted a Moby Wrap. My son was not happy when he was not being held. So, I went and got one.


1. Great for small babies: There are a lot of carriers out there, but many of them are not appropriate for children under 3 months. A lot of them should only be worn when children can finally hold their head up on their own. This baby carrier can be worn so that the child’s head is supported and resting near mom’s head, allowing the child to hear mom’s heartbeat.

2. Can be used for long length of time: This baby carrier can be worn for an extended length of time. There are ways in which you can as the child gets older. I have even seen a picture of a woman in my area that used it for her 2 year old when she was about 7 months pregnant with her second.

3. Adjustment is easy: The adjustment for the Moby is easy. You can put it around you as tight or loose as needed.

4. Easy washing: The Moby is just fabric so throw it in the washer when it gets too dirty from baby spitting up or sucking on it.

5. Price: The price is not too bad, especially considering the length of useful life.

6. Second as a blanket: There so much fabric you can use it for a blanket in the backseat if your little one is cold.

7. Can be homemade: I have seen patterns for the Moby and have also heard of people making them themselves.


1. Lot of fabric: The Moby has a lot of fabric to it (18 feet I believe), and when you are putting it on in the parking lot of a store, it can drag on the ground.

2. Concern for safety: I was concerned about wearing the Moby, at first. I bought it, used it twice, and didn’t have the confidence or courage to try wearing it again until my first son was 10 weeks old. I put this as a con because some people may be concerned and not use it, unless instructed properly and in person. I couldn’t understand the brochure very well.

3. Hard to put child on back if uncooperative or active: My oldest son is very active and a bundle of energy. There is no way he would be able to get him on my back. Additionally, I couldn’t understand from numerous videos how to do it.

4. Can be really warm if in a hot climate: The Moby holds the baby right on your chest. I don’t live in a really warm climate (except a few times during the summer), but I have a dark colored Moby and it can get quite toasty with my little one.


The Moby Wrap has been a life saver for us. I was able to hold my oldest son while doing paperwork or researching things on the internet, and he was happy instead of crying because he wanted to be in my arms. The Moby Wrap also kept him warm when we went on vacation, and the weather took an unexpected turn for the worse. After I had my second son, the Moby Wrap was helpful when I went to the store and he was too little to wear in a regular carrier. In the first eight weeks, it was easy to put him in the Moby when he was upset and go for a walk with the family. Both of my sons were comfortable enough in the Moby Wrap to take a nap when they felt they needed it.
I try to be frugal and not spend money on things I don’t need (sometimes to my detriment), but this time I am very glad I did not skimp on money and try to “make do” without it.

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